Data sharing

New Study Results Presented by Foundation Medicine and Collaborators at ASCO21 on Ancestry-Based Disparities in Prostate Cancer Care Underscore Importance of Equitable Access to Precision Medicine Advances – Business Wire

CONTEXT:  Further evidence of ancestry-based disparities in cancer treatment from this study, believed to be the largest of it’s type so far.  The analysis of data from over 11,000 men Continue Reading

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ASCO 2021 Podium Presentation on Agendia FLEX Study Shows Clinical & Molecular Differences in Tumors of African American and Caucasian Patients with HR+ Breast Cancer – BioSpace

CONTEXT:  We’ve covered reports around this theme before, so good to see further research supporting why it is important to have representative ethnic diversity in all studies on new therapies, Continue Reading

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Real-world study of PD-L1 testing patterns and treatment distribution in patients with metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer in Israel – DocWire News

CONTEXT:  Report of a paper published in Immunotherapy, May 26th 2021 edition describing RWE study of PD-L1 testing patterns and treatment distribution in patients with NSCLC in Israel.  The results Continue Reading

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