Clinical Trial Results Need to Be Supplemented With Real-World Data in Multiple Myeloma – Managed Markets Network

CONTEXT:  Continuing the theme of under-representation in clinical trials that develop new treatments, especially in oncology, this article reports on the discussion at the European Hematology Association (EHA) 2021 Virtual Continue Reading

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Data sharing

New Study Results Presented by Foundation Medicine and Collaborators at ASCO21 on Ancestry-Based Disparities in Prostate Cancer Care Underscore Importance of Equitable Access to Precision Medicine Advances – Business Wire

CONTEXT:  Further evidence of ancestry-based disparities in cancer treatment from this study, believed to be the largest of it’s type so far.  The analysis of data from over 11,000 men Continue Reading

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First Phase Results of MYLUNG Consortium Provide Historical View of Biomarker Testing Patterns and Identify Data Gaps for Ongoing Prospective Research – Galveston County Daily News

CONTEXT:  Report from ASCO 2021 from the MYLUNG Consortium research study in metastatic NSCLC.  The findings based on the results from the first of 5 protocols is a retrospective review Continue Reading

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Synthetic data mimics real health-care data without patient-privacy concerns – Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis – Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

CONTEXT:  Surely the next big thing in RWR – “Synthetic Data”.  “Yes” you say “and don’t call me Shirley”.  Airplane jokes aside, it makes a huge amount of sense to Continue Reading

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