CONTEXT:   A philanthropy-fuelled database created at the University of Calgary is proving its value and attracting international attention, including for some highly encouraging new research for treating lung cancer (NSCLC) | Cananda only data

IMPACT:  medium

READ TIME:  1 min

Quality Level Mean [1 – 10]:  6

1. “The study, published in February, examined real-world outcomes for 92 patients from the provincial Glans-Look Database with Stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer.” 

2. “Study proves real-life benefits of lung cancer drug for certain patients.” 

3. “A philanthropy-fuelled database created at the University of Calgary is proving its value and attracting national and international attention, including for some highly encouraging new research for treating lung cancer.” 

4. “The exciting thing was that we found the experience in the real world was as good as we hoped,” says Dr. Gwyn Bebb, MD, PhD, a professor and medical oncologist with the Arnie Charbonneau Cancer Institute.” 

5. “The oral medication provided dramatic results and minimal side-effects for the study participants.” 
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