CONTEXT: Peer reviewed (although only one person who wasn’t going to own up to it) paper from Clinical Ophthalmology journal on patient satisfaction in glaucoma treatments.
READ TIME: 1 min
Quality Level Mean [1 – 10]: 5
1. “Carl Erb,1 Ingeborg Stalmans,2 Milko Iliev,3 Francisco José Muñoz-Negrete4 . 1Eye Clinic Wittenbergplatz, Berlin, Germany; 2Department of Ophthalmology, University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium; 3Ophthalmology Department, University of Bern, Inselspital, Bern, Switzerland; 4Servicio de Oftalmología, Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal, Universidad de Alcalá, IRYCIS, Madrid, España. Correspondence: Francisco José Muñoz-Negrete. Servicio de Oftalmología, Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal, Universidad de Alcalá, IRYCIS, Madrid, España. Tel +34 913 36 80 00. Email Patient satisfaction is important in the treatment of glaucoma.”
2. “The present multicentre, international, transverse, epidemiological survey was conducted to assess the satisfaction of patients who had received preservative-free latanoprost (PFL) for at least 3 months.”
3. “After 3 months of PFL treatment, a large majority of patients (95.3%) were satisfied or very satisfied with their PFL treatment and were, overall, significantly (p< 0.0001) more satisfied with PFL than with their previous treatment; 4.2% were either unsatisfied or very unsatisfied.”
4. “Conclusion: PFL may be considered a valuable first-choice treatment in glaucoma patients.”
5. “Keywords: glaucoma, prostaglandin, preservative-free latanoprost, patient satisfaction, tolerability, tear substitutes, intra-ocular pressure, ocular surface disease, conjunctival hyperaemia”