CONTEXT: Prospective observational study in releasing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) with a relatively old treatment showing a fairly content and stable patient population in Germany | Study conducted between 2015 and 2018 in 190 patients
READ TIME: 2 mins
Quality Level Mean [1 – 10]: 7
1. “This article was originally published here. BACKGROUND: Peginterferon beta-1a was developed for treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) to provide an interferon with increased exposure to facilitate adherence by reducing frequency of application.”
2. “This non-interventional observational study investigated the adherence to peginterferon beta-1a in real-world clinical practice settings.”
3. “Adult patients with RRMS (previously treated or treatment-naïve) receiving peginterferon beta-1a (125 µg SC every 2 weeks) were eligible for participation.”
4. “The primary endpoint was the percentage of patients with overall adherence defined as ⩽10% of injections not administered throughout the 24-month observation period.”
5. “CONCLUSIONS: Adherence to the bi-weekly treatment with peginterferon beta-1a was very high.”