CONTEXT:  Nice article on the benefits of sharing real-world evidence in real time to help everyone | Not a novel idea, but one that we need reminding of on a regular basis |  In this case to help with spinal problems and we all know what a pain in the…… back, that is.  Shame on you. 

IMPACT:  Medium

READ TIME:  2 mins

Quality Level Mean [1 – 10]:  8

1. “If we had a platform for sharing anonymised data from across national registries, this would create an international evidence base detailing which treatments options, surgical and non- surgical work best for which condition and which set of patients.” 

2. “The sharing of national data is widely considered to be essential to enable doctors to see which treatments and which medical devices will secure the best outcomes for patients.” 

3. “It would reveal variations in practices, processes, effectiveness of devices and procedures that due to the volume of data, would present the bigger picture, not just a national snapshot.” 

4. “Classifying and recording implants in a common way through a global, implant library ensures that data captured in different hospitals and different countries can be compared, improving research and analysis in the specialism, which in turn can improve patient outcomes.” 

5. “The speciality needs international knowledge to predict the long-term success and viability of treatments, which will underpin a global understanding of best clinical practices and procedures.” 

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