Goldman Sachs invest $230M in CRO on the back of the decentralised trials craze

CONTEXT:  Goldman Sachs joins the decentralised trial Gold rush to invest in the contract clinical research space with a significant investment in 4G Clinical.  Largely fuelled by the current love affair with decentralised trials. Goldman Sachs apparently felt the need to splash $230M in a relative newcomer to the CRO space as it looks to expand its global reach.  Time will tell if this is money well spent.

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1. “4G’s been around for six years and has so far run tri­al ser­vices for around 100 clin­i­cal stud­ies for bio­phar­ma com­pa­nies, the firm said.” 

2. “Now, a com­pa­ny work­ing in cloud-based tri­al ser­vices on the cut­ting edge of the field has snared a ma­jor in­vest­ment from a lead­ing Wall Street banker.” 

3. “4G Clin­i­cal, a ser­vices firm that pro­vides cloud-based ran­dom­iza­tion and clin­i­cal tri­al ser­vices, has bagged a $230 mil­lion eq­ui­ty in­vest­ment from Gold­man Sachs as it looks to add jet fu­el to its glob­al ex­pan­sion plans, the com­pa­ny said in a re­lease.” 

4. “The com­pa­ny’s plat­form can cut the time for first pa­tient en­roll­ment by 50%, it said, and is de­signed for in­creas­ing­ly com­plex tri­al de­sign, in­clud­ing de­cen­tral­ized stud­ies.”  

5. “Gold­man Sachs’ in­vest­ment comes amid a spike in in­ter­est in com­pa­nies and ser­vices work­ing in de­cen­tral­ized clin­i­cal tri­als, a field that has seen rapid growth amid Covid-19.” 

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