CONTEXT: A story broke last year about COVID detection in sewage, as agencies tried to understand the scale and spread of the pandemic. This article follows up on that story and looks at what was once a niche speciality of wastewater epidemiology and how it can help us get a handle on future outbreaks more quickly. Worth a read if only to check out the Covid19 Poops Dashboard. Who doesn’t love a Poop Dashboard?
IMPACT: Medium
READ TIME: 2 mins
Quality Level Mean [1 – 10]: 9
1. “Since its founding last year, the system has grown to include 33 states, four cities, one county and three U”
2. “From the Wastewater Drain, Solid Pandemic Data”
3. “The National Wastewater Surveillance System provides funding, technical support, a national data repository and other resources that will allow state and local health departments take over this long-term monitoring”
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