CONTEXT:  “Data monetisation in the Med Tech environment”.  I have to be honest – I’ve read this article twice and still not entirely sure what this actually means in real life, but I’m sure it’s important to somebody.

IMPACT:  Medium

READ TIME:  5 mins

Quality Level Mean [1 – 10]:  7

1. “Job listings and similar posts are likely automated SPAM messages from Facebook and are not placed by WFMZ-TV” 

2. “The views expressed by public comments are not those of this company or its affiliated companies” 

3. “Inappropriate posts or posts containing offsite links, images, GIFs, inappropriate language, or memes may be removed by the moderator” 

4. “Your comments may be used on air” 

5. “Use the comments to help us understand our grammar and spelling of each other’s terms” 

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