CONTEXT:  They say cancer is the great leveller.  Apparently not.  This is a well put together, thought-provoking article highlighting the inequalities in cancer treatments and how RWR can help even out the disparities.  


READ TIME:  5 mins

Quality Level Mean [1 – 10]:  9

1. “People with underlying health conditions, for example, may be excluded from clinical trials, preventing them from accessing leading-edge treatments and limiting the evidence available to guide their care.” 

2. “My organization, for example, is confronting cancer disparities through use of “real-world” data on millions of patients who receive their care outside of clinical trials.” 

3. “Yet people with autoimmune disease were mostly excluded from clinical trials that led to the approval of immune checkpoint inhibitors, the most important advance in lung cancer treatment in decades.” 

4. “Recently, we worked with FDA to examine de-identified data on more than 2,400 patients with advanced “non-small cell” lung cancer who were treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors.” 

5. “While they cannot undo a long history of inequity in healthcare, they can be used to narrow research gaps and outdated best practices in clinical trials that conspire to limit patients’ access to care.” 

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