CONTEXT:  Commercial announcement of a tie up to examine RWD sources for respiratory disease | Timely with the impact COVID has had on respiratory compromised patients | Use of natural language processing (NLP) to mine unstructured text for relevant clinical information in electronic health record (EHR) data | Fab image of Star Wars troopers!

IMPACT:  Medium

READ TIME:  1 min

Quality Level Mean [1 – 10]:  6

1. “Deep real-world evidence clinical research leader, Savana, and health data research hub for respiratory health, BREATHE, have announced their partnership to promote the use of electronic health record (EHR) data for crucial respiratory research.” 

2. “As part of the international BigCOVIData study, the Savana-BREATHE partnership will expedite the use of data from de-identified EHRs to examine disease progression and outcomes in Covid-19 patients hospitalised in the UK.” 

3. “As a result, Savana’s EHRead technology has been developed in such a way that it applies artificial intelligence (AI) in the form of natural language processing (NLP) and deep learning techniques to evaluate structured as well as unstructured information in EHRs, without compromising on the privacy and security of patient data.” 

4. “Patient EHR data will be controlled by the participating hospital, while Savana’s data privacy methodology called Natural Privacy will help in protecting patient data privacy by accumulating study data and keeping patient records anonymous.” 

5. “BREATHE deputy director and chief investigator BigCOVIData UK Jenni Quint said: “In partnership with Savana, we can access de-identified patient information from hospital records at a level of scale and detail never seen before in the UK.” 

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