CONTEXT:  Alternative RWR – but just as fascinating |  This is glimpse of the future of personal transport or put another way,  do you remember “Johnny Cabs” in Total Recall?  | Includes a 6 minute audio narration for those who prefer to listen

IMPACT:  Medium

READ TIME:  2 mins

Quality Level Mean [1 – 10]:  8

1. “In those incidents where its safety operators took control of the vehicle to avoid a crash, Waymo’s engineers simulated what would have happened had the driver not disengaged the vehicle’s self-driving system to generate a counterfactual.” 

2. “Focusing just on the crashes that took place within its operational design domain, or the approximately 100-square-mile area in which the company permits its cars to drive, Waymo identified 72 crashes to reconstruct in simulation in order to determine how its autonomous system would respond in similar situations.” 

3. “The company reconstructed these crashes, systematically aligning the vehicle’s trajectory to make sure its Waymo vehicles are exposed to a similar situation than in the actual fatal crash.” 

4. “Those crashes all took place at an intersection where the other vehicle either turned left across or cut straight across the Waymo vehicle’s path, leaving little time to react, the company said.” 

5. “Waymo’s autonomous vehicles avoided 100 percent of those crashes in simulation, the company said.” 

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