CONTEXT: European initiative to explore “In-Silico” research. Not so much
“Real World” as “Brave New World” utilising computer models to test safety
and efficacy of medical devices. Hopefully this isn’t going to end up like
West World. “InSilico Trials” = Sounds cool!
READ TIME: 5 mins
*1. “A new EU-funded project, In Silico World, is aiming to encourage the
use of simulation in the development of drugs and medical devices.” *
*2. “The solutions developed as part of the In Silico World project will
target medical products to treat osteoporosis, tuberculosis, multiple
sclerosis, coronary stenosis, cerebral aneurysms, mammary carcinoma and
Covid-19 infection, among others.” *
*3. “In a statement, In Silico World co-ordinator and University of Bologna
professor Marco Viceconti said: “The aim of the In Silico World project is
to accelerate the uptake of modelling and simulation technologies for the
development and regulatory assessment of medicines and medical devices,
with a long-term impact of reduction of the cost and duration of the
development and regulatory assessment of new medical products, while
maintaining or improving the level of safety provided by conventional
approaches.”” *
*4. “InSilicoTrials’ role in the project will include leading the
development of AI simulation and software cloud platform, exploitation
activities, quality assurance and risk management, as well as helping to
define guidelines for Software as Medical Device certification.” *
*5. “InSilicoTrials CEO Luca Emili says: “The models that InSilicoTrials is
using to support the development of medical devices and drugs represent an
important part of the future of clinical trial activity.” *
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