ALK present results of huge real-world evidence study on allergy immunotherapy (AIT) in asthma
CONTEXT: ALK presented the results on the long term effects of allergy immunotherapy (AIT) on asthma patients at the Annual Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) in Krakow Poland this week. The findings were presented for the first time at an ALK sponsored symposium and included data from over 90,000 patients suffering from allergic rhinitis with or without concomitant asthma. The study named REACT is part of the wider REWEAL programme which has been created to supplement the current evidence base of AIT by collating real-world patient data from multiple data sources in multiple countries. A link to the REWEAL study site can be found here READ TIME: 2 mins 1. “ALK worked closely with the scientific allergy community to ensure the robustness of the study and the highest possible quality of the data generated, with the aim of informing the right treatment decisions by providing healthcare professionals with best in both clinical and real-world evidence.” 2. “ALK (ALKB:DC / OMX: ALK B / AKABY / AKBLF) today announced that the world’s leading allergy experts have been presented with data from its recent long-term, ‘real-world evidence’ study, ‘REAl world effeCtiveness of allergy immunoTherapy (REACT), at one of the world’s most important annual allergy congresses.” 3. “The study was initiated by ALK to evaluate the long-term effects of allergy immunotherapy (AIT) treatment in patients suffering from allergic rhinitis with or without concomitant asthma.” 4. “Long-term outcomes. The findings were presented for the first time at an ALK-sponsored symposium on the impact of respiratory allergies on patients and society and the potential benefits of treating patients with AIT, which was held as part of the Annual Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI), in Krakow, Poland.” 5. “Titled ‘Best in both worlds: Demonstrating long-term effectiveness of AIT in the real world’, the ALK symposium reviewed the evidence-gathering journey of AIT, and discussed how real-world evidence can now be used to complement evidence generated by randomised, controlled, clinical trials.” Source URL: |