CONTEXT:  Report of a large scale study in Uruguay on the Coronavac COVID-19 vaccine showing a reduction in mortality of 97%.  Coronavac is the attenuated virus from China being used in country and in around a dozen other countries globally.  The results are in line with Turkey, Chile and Brazil all reporting around 80% reduction in mortality with Coronavac.  A note of caution that the research has not been peer reviewed and are described as preliminary.

IMPACT:  Medium

READ TIME:  1 min

Quality Level Mean [1 – 10]:  3

1. “Preliminary. The results are based on outcomes two weeks after administering two shots to some 862,000 people—more than 712,000 who received CoronaVac and almost 150,000 Pfizer.” 

2. “Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain. . The CoronaVac vaccine reduces coronavirus mortality by 97 percent, according to early results of the immunization campaign in Uruguay, which relies heavily on the Chinese jab.” 

3. “Chile reported last month that early results from its immunization campaign showed CoronaVac to be 67 percent effective at preventing symptomatic COVID-19 and 80 percent at preventing death.” 

4. “The Pfizer shot, the results showed, was 75 percent effective at preventing infection, 99 percent effective at preventing illness requiring ICU admission, and 80 percent effective at preventing death.” 

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