CONTEXT:  Interesting and powerful use of real-world data in Scotland to inform health policy decisions.  This researcher shows clear evidence that minimum unit pricing for alcohol reduced the purchasing of alcohol overall with the anticipated benefit to nations health.  The MUP policy was taken up in Wales shortly after it was introduced in Scotland and it seems to be having a similar effect | UK data only

IMPACT:  low

READ TIME:  2 mins

Quality Level Mean [1 – 10]:  6

1. “In Wales, which introduced minimum pricing almost two years after Scotland in March 2020, there was an 8. 6% decrease in sales when compared with the west of England.” 

2. “The study looked at data detailing more than 1. 24 million separate alcohol sales between 2015 and 2018, and also in the first half of 2020 with this period covering purchases by 35,000 households.” 

3. “One of the study’s authors, Professor Eileen Kaner from Newcastle University, who is also director of the Applied Research Collaboration North East and North Cumbria, said it was a “concern” those households did not adjust their buying habits, and “spending simply increased as a result of the MUP policy”.” 

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