CONTEXT:  Increased backing for the post-COVID era decentralised clinical trials.  Can’t help thinking that this feels like a dot com bubble that will burst when the first major safety concerns pop-up from a decentralised trial, with cries of “what were we thinking?”

IMPACT:  Medium

READ TIME:  2 mins

Quality Level Mean [1 – 10]:  6

1. “Now we want to ac­cel­er­ate the pace of change and con­tin­ue to in­no­vate for bet­ter care and re­search world­wide” 

2. “With backing from Bayer, a London firm will pitch its ‘hospitals at home’ concept for decentralized trials” 

3. “Lon­don-based Hu­ma un­veiled a $130 mil­lion Se­ries C on Wednes­day, which it will use to ex­pand its dig­i­tal plat­form in the US, Asia and the Mid­dle East” 

4. “” The com­pa­ny says its plat­form can dou­ble clin­i­cal ca­pac­i­ty and re­duce hos­pi­tal read­mis­sions by over a third, with pa­tient ad­her­ence lev­els of over 90%” 

5. “Hi­tachi Ven­tures led the round along with Leaps by Bay­er, and new share­hold­ers in­clude Sam­sung Next, Sony In­no­va­tion Fund by IGV, Unilever Ven­tures, HAT Tech­nol­o­gy In­no­va­tion Fund, Nikesh Aro­ra (for­mer pres­i­dent of Soft­Bank) and Michael Diek­mann (chair­man of Al­lianz)” 

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